Tea Story

The first authenticated batch of tea seeds to reach Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) was planted at the Royal Botanical Garden at Peradeniya in December 1839.

However, the first commercial planting of tea in Sri Lanka was undertaken by James Taylor only in 1867, on 19 acres of land on Loolecondera estate, Hewaheta. This was carried out with the idea of testing tea as a possible alternate crop for coffee, which was facing an economic slump at that time. Taylor had acquired some basic knowledge of tea cultivation in North India and made some initial experiments in manufacture, using his bungalow veranda as the factory.

His first teas were sold locally and were declared delicious. By 1872, Taylor had a fully equipped factory, and in 1873, his first quality teas were sold for a very good price at the London auction. Through his dedication and determination, Taylor was largely responsible for the early success of the tea crop in Ceylon.

Today the tea drinking habit has spread all over the world. It is second only to water as the most favourite beverage on earth.

Health Benefits

People all over the world have been drinking tea for thousands of centuries, and for good reason. There’s plenty of evidence that regularly drinking tea can have a lasting impact on your wellness. Natural substances, called polyphenols, are found in tea. These substances are antioxidants, compounds that may help reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases.

Additionally, research suggests that green teas offer a greater antioxidant punch compared to most other varieties. Some studies suggest that a type of polyphenol in tea may help with weight loss. Tea drinkers may be helping to keep their hearts healthy. Some research has shown a reduced risk of heart disease in people who drink tea regularly.



Polyphenols or flavonoids in tea acts Antioxidants


Aids In Digestion

Today, tea retains its reputation as an aid for digestion


Calorie Free

Tea is nearly calorie free


Hydrating To The Body

When consumed in moderation tea is as hydrating as water

Manufacturing Process

Tea manufacturing is the process of transformation of freshly plucked green tea leaves to black tea. The process itself is long, and requires much care

Manufacturing Process

Tea manufacturing is the process of transformation of freshly plucked green tea leaves to black tea. The process itself is long, and requires much care



Tea is propagated using ‘cuttings’ of mature shoots in a conditioned environment and then transferred into the field after 9-12 months.




Technically the process of manufacture begins when the ‘Two leaves and Bud’ are picked or ‘plucked’ by a tea plucker.




It is a process of making the green leaf to a ‘flaccid’ state by a slow removal of moisture over 18-24 hrs. The tea will undergo both chemical and physical changes which are a pre-requisite for rolling.




By rupturing the leaf cells through the application of pressure allows enzymes to activate.




Firing is carried out to arrest the fermentation, preventing any further chemical changes. The tea becomes black after going through the chamber at high temperatures.



Grading and packing

The tea is graded by the particle size using multiple sifters and packed in airtight aluminum layered container packs.




Colombo Auction is the largest single origin Tea Auction in the world which is administered in consultation with CTTA (Colombo Tea Traders Association)



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